Nicolás Jaar and the Shock Forest Group
‘These livelihoods make worlds too – and they show us how to look around rather than ahead.’
Chapter 2WO
Chapter 2WO Public Programme
Shock Forest Group (2019) is an international research team consisting of architects, cartographers, linguists, coders, urban planners, sound makers, biologists, designers and engineers. It is an experiment in open research, where the research categories surface as the research develops. It is also an experiment in alternative education, a classroom without a teacher, where learning emerges as a product of polyphony.
These livelihoods make worlds too – and they show us how to look around rather than aheadAnna Tsing
Adrian Lahoud is architect, urban designer, researcher and Dean of the School of Architecture at the Royal College of Art.
He explores the disputed, conflicting and often paradoxical transformation of cities. He is curator of the Sharjah Architecture Triënnale, that will be organised in November for the first time. The theme of this first major platform for architecture and urbanism in the Middle East, North and East Africa, and South and Southeast Asia is ‘Rights of Future Generations’.
In this lecture Adrian Lahoud will expand on this theme and architecture's pivotal role in shaping intergenerational relationships, with kin that have passed, and those yet to come.
The lecture starts at 4pm in the mezzanine. Participation is € 5 (excluding entrance to the Chapter). Would you like to visit the exhibition in addition to the lecture? Buy an entry ticket for the Chapter and reserve a time slot for Incomprehensible Sun online or at the counter.