Shoot Us With Love!

Support Het HEM: donate and declare your love

The pandemic and the related economic downturn hit Het HEM early in its existence and demand a new approach. Amerborgh International enabled the development of Het HEM last year, but decided as the main supporter that the obligations and risks of an organisation such as Het HEM could no longer be guaranteed. The company Het HEM BV is therefore closed down, while the Foundation remains intact.

Consequently, Het HEM will reduce its staff to a minimum and postpone its activities until 2021. Het HEM will use 2020 to find and develop an alternative financial model that will further consolidate the existence of this young cultural institution in the future. We have found new investors who will help secure the institution's viability, but it is not enough. While we are working passionately on securing long-term financial support, your immediate donation would help us immensely to safeguard our peculiar situation.

Shoot Us With Love! These words inaugurate the crowdfunding campaign that will enable us to open Het HEM and its current exhibition Chapter 3HREE: Maarten Spruyt to the public. The campaign will run until June 21, 2020, exactly one year after our grand opening. We could not wish for a better birthday present!

Find our campaign here, in collaboration with Voordekunst.